Since the first presentation of a USDA-accepted hygienic air conditioner, the French company Air Quality Process (AQP) has become a specialist in cheesemaking equipment. The concept developed by the family business was considered a true revolution. It is based on specially designed units that are fully CIP cleanable, thus increasing food safety.
Today, AQP provides complete ventilation and air conditioning systems for cheese dairies worldwide. One AQP customer is Dutch goat cheese maker Bettinehoeve, part of the Emmi Group. Chris Broers, head of technology and production at Bettinehoeve, summarizes his experience with the equipment, “Compared to conventional air conditioning, the AQP systems ensure that air is evenly and homogeneously distributed, resulting in minimal standard deviation of products. Because of the constant humidity throughout the room, we have uniform product quality. Water loss during ripening is also greatly reduced.
Click here for the full article published in IDM issue April 2022.